
I wanted to tell you about my pain,
But I deleted it.
I wanted you to understand the invisible struggles.
I wanted you to see me.

But what can I say? What can I do to make it click?
Facts? Memes? An outpouring of emotion?
Shall I cry, scream, beg?
Shall I draw it, write it, sing it for you?
How do I make you see
This invisible disease?

If I could let you feel it…

For only a moment…

I wouldn’t.

So I’ll keep wearing my smile to hide gritted teeth.
I’ll continue to laugh to keep from screaming.
I’ll watch heartfelt shows, so I can live and love

While grieving my potential.

While mourning the person
I used to be.

But don’t worry, because I still notice the ocean,
The flowers and the trees,
I still breathe in Autumn air, feel the Spring showers,
And watch Winter’s snow.
Though Summer may make me
Immobile and weak,
I still watch children playing,
With a smile.
I cherish these moments,
Knowing I may not be present
For the next.

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