This is a Happy Post.

It’s about time, right?

I mean, what do I have to be so upset about?

Okay, literally every aspect of my life right now has a depressing tint to it, but still!


Okay, let’s be serious here. Shit sucks, but I’m alright! I’m pretty happy.
I have good people, who stick around even if I’m not doing things for them or committing to their main method of socialization.
My kids are healthy, intelligent, expensive creatures who keep me going.
I have a roof over my head until I get the next phase of my life sorted.
My health is slightly improved and will be even better if I get off my tired ass and lose some weight.

My life is a lot, but I’m being kinder to myself. I’m giving myself breaks. I’m allowing myself to breathe. And when I need to scream, I have a couple of people who will allow it.

I’m pretty fortunate, really.


I’m not even faking it this time. I’ve genuinely smiled more than once while typing this, okay? I just did it again!
(Note to self: Never ever ever forget the music. It can make all the difference!)

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