Just Do It!

Okay! I will!!!

…That’s what you want me to say, right?



My illness/disabilities are not an excuse. I’m not being lazy. I don’t need self-discipline. I can’t just get up. I can’t just push myself. I can’t just get over it.


Maybe you didn’t know me before. Maybe you thought you did, but really only knew of me.

I never wanted this.
Or any version of it.

Sleep? I hated sleep. I slept fine, but considered it a waste of time. The fact that it was required to live was the only reason I allowed it to happen.

I hated doing nothing. I wanted to go, do, create, LIVE. Adventure! The Unknown! The Unexplored! The Unexpected! Never stay still, never give in to the monotony, the emptiness.

I HATE THIS. With all that I am, I hate this. I hate that I cannot walk. I hate that I cannot go, do. I hate that I cannot even wake enough to explore through books. Life has become monotonous. I feel empty.

Fuck you. Fuck you and your ableism. Fuck your “encouragement” to try harder, when it takes every fucking drop of my strength and energy just to continue surviving. Fuck you for treating this like some personality trait, something I can change.


God, how I want to. If there was ANY way to have even half the ability I had before, I would drag my ass through hellfire to get there. I would literally give up an arm to be able to stand still longer than 10 minutes, or walk long enough to get through a grocery store without excruciating pain, or stay awake watching a movie without breaks, or use a ladder or stairs or bend down or look up without getting dizzy and nauseous.

And yes, I know you are not in my shoes and my health problems are not visible. I know you’re just ignorant and I should be secure enough to shrug off your comments. I know. And I try.

But every second of every day is pain. Physical, mental, and emotional agony. I feel an invisible weight threatening to crush me at any moment. My very soul is screaming, crying, trying to will the rest of me to move, do, be, live. Everything I try to do, every thing I’ve done a million times before, with ease, feels impossible. I push. I struggle, never giving up, finally finishing in hours what could have been done previously in ten minutes. I get so angry at myself for struggling. I get so furious at myself for not being what I was. And my heart breaks. It kills me that I cannot help others the way I used to. I cannot be the one they turn to when they are in need, because I am no good to anyone else if I am not okay. But I try anyway. I try to do everything. I try to be everything. And I end up making it worse. All of me is devoted to this, to just trying to get by.

And I don’t have anything left. Nothing to make me a person.

So I try to accept where I am now. I push though. I joke about it. I inform and I brush away the pity. I feed the spark of hope that I will find another way to be again. To do again. To live again.

And you

You come in with your bullshit mottos. Your judgemental phrases stolen from inspirational posters. Your fraudulent quotes attributed to idols of the past. You come to me with your “Don’t give up” and your “Push yourself” and your “Just do it” and try to extinguish that hope, tear up the plans, block the path to being the best version of who I can be now.



Fuck you for trying to take from me what little I have managed since the world took so much.

Fuck you for trying to make me feel like a lesser person, instead of having lesser abilities.

Fuck you for thinking you have any right to give me any advice, when I would not trade places with you for anything.

Fuck you for spreading your hatred.

And the truth is, when all is said and done, I feel sorry for you. Because yes, you caused me bitterness for a moment, but I’m okay now. I am smiling, literally smiling as I type this conclusion. I love myself, I am proud of my strength, and I know I can and will take these struggles on again and again. I will continue to be good. To do good.

But you, you have to live with that poison coursing through your veins. You have to wallow in that flood of misery. You splash it at others, but they move on, dry off, forget that it even happened. You stay, hide in it, only peeking out to scan for more victims. You live in there, and if you don’t find a way, a reason to leave, you’ll die in there.

So I take them back. No “Fuck you”s. You don’t need them.

You’re already fucked.

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