Getting Up.

People who have had less traumatic lives, love to call me resilient. “You persevere,” “you never give up,” “you never let it beat you.”

I have no choice.

And beside that, I do let it take me down sometimes. How many times in life have I let something bad happen, because it was easier to fix the result than to fight off the event? Too many to count. Too many to even remember. Does that make me a lesser being? No, it just makes me real.

I am not proud of my weaknesses. I am also not going to deny them. I’m not going to pretend that I will magically be able to stop them. All I can really say is that I’m trying to get better. Honestly, what more can you ask of anyone?

So today, I made important calls. I filled out important paperwork. I sent an important email. I know it’s nothing, but it’s also not nothing. Each task was a struggle. Some actions created more tasks for my ever-growing list. It can be extremely overwhelming and all I want is a break, but even my breaks are not really breaks, because I just sit and stress and feel inadequate and get angry and tear myself down until I am nothing but a mushy lump of waste. Getting knocked down is pretty tough on a person who literally has difficulty getting up.

But today, I did get up.

Hopefully I will be able to push myself to do the same tomorrow.

At some point, I’ll stay down for a little while, overwhelmed and self-sabotaging… but as long as I’m trying, I will always eventually pull myself back up.

Hell yeah, I’m resilient.

We all are.

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