Dear Life,

We need to talk. The way things are… it’s just not working out.

I try to take a break to clear my head and you come back with more intensity than ever, which makes me distant again, which makes you intense, and on and on…

I can’t do this anymore.

I’m not saying I want to give up. Despite what I may say in the heat of the moment, I truly love you. I do. I wouldn’t trade you in for all the money and success in the world.

But this is getting way too hard. Something needs to change.

I’m not trying to throw blame. We’re in this together. All I can say is what I need from you, and what I can offer in return.

So here it is.

I need you to lighten my load a bit. I feel overwhelmed as things are, and it’s difficult to want to hold everything together when I can’t take it anywhere. I need to be able to move forward, and I just don’t think I can when everything is so heavy.

In return, I promise to be more present, the way I used to be. I’ll appreciate you more, and the journey we’re on together, even when it’s a bit rocky. I’ll stop looking behind me with a sore heart, and only look back with clear eyes and mind, learning from our traveled path in order to aid in the road ahead.

I will smile more and sing again.

Can we do this? Can we agree to stop making things harder on each other and make our walk a great deal lighter?

I want to continue this journey with you for as long as possible. Please help me make this happen.

With Love,


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